You are required to conduct a TEXTUAL analysis of a social media campaign and present a 1800 word written evaluation report. This is major assessment task that will contribute to 40% of the overall grade and is due on Friday of Week 13.

Due: Friday Week 13, 5.00pm via Blackboard [BB automatically uploads through SafeAssign]

Word count: 1800 words (plus ABSTRACT up to 200 words not included in word count)

Value: 40 marks = 40% of CMN276 Final Grade


                             Title Page should provide the following information:

  • Course code and title
  • Task number and title of task

e.g. Task 2: Social Media Evaluation Research

  • Name of campaign
  • Name and title of the student
  • Name and title of the course tutor/coordinator
  • Tutorial session – day and time
  • Date of submission

                             1800 word Research Article (1.5 line spacing), with key sections as identified,

PLUS an ABSTRACT (up to 200 words, not counted in the word count)

                             List of References (consistent Harvard style reference system)

                             Appendices (numbered as mentioned in the article)


A report about primary research generally takes a structure or form that is intended to help make reading it or using it for research quick and efficient.

The research report for this course has seven components, numbered here for identification, but not required in the final report:

  1. Abstract (up to 200 words, not included in the word count)
  2. Introduction
  3. Method
  4. Findings
  5. Implications
  6. Conclusion
  7. References

You are writing an academic style research article. Attention to appropriate selections of style, tone and presentation are important aspects in the marking criteria for this task.

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