Manifest destiny

Manifest destiny


Manifest destiny

            The doctrines of the manifest destiny made the United States of America a richer and more powerful nation. In addition to the wealth of land and natural resources, it also enhanced Americas territorial expansion, which coincided with the industrial revolution resulting in unprecedented growth and prosperity. The technological innovations derived from the confluence of the two forces allowed the united states to become the global Superpower that it is today. From the manifestation of destiny United States spread across the North American continent by the removal of the European powers from the land, this consequently and significantly reduced the foreign interference in America interests.
Manifest destiny emerged with many problems, for example, the Mexican and American war, decimation of the Native American population and the civil war of the United States of America (Moriarty, 2005). American expansion spelled doom as the white explorers, fur trappers, and missionaries and settlers moved west-word making the native Americans lose their possessions and then their lives. Manifest destiny was a sign of political instability initiated on the individuals in disguise of American interests.
American imperialism and national pride emerge through the manifest destiny. Many United States of America immediate neighbors were intensely destabilized by the Americas primary interest like land through the acquisition for building of the railway line connecting it to its neighboring countries (Mountjoy, 2009). American significance and the dominance in the whole region was enormous as it monopolized trade and other economic activities in the area. Many countries were loyal to the American rules and laws and patronized the Americans for their influence in the region was. Geared with ego and authority, many nations around the Americans had no any other option but to obey their orders. Manifest destiny was a real sign of American imperialism and national pride exercised indirectly to the surrounding nations.


Moriarty, J. T. (2005). Manifest destiny. New York, NY: Rosen publications group

Mountjoy, S. (2009). Manifest destiny: Westward Expansion. New York, NY: Chelsea House        Publishers.